Central Catholic High School graduate Brian Bradtke completed hisMaster of Business Administration degree at Arizona State in May.
So, time to get a job? No thanks, Bradtke already has one.
Bradtke formed B2 Enterprises in January 2011 and looks forwardto devoting even more time to his growing business now that hisstudies have concluded.
'It was crazy doing both at the same time,' he said.
But hardly impossible. Bradtke considers himself a 'marketingmanager' and has a stable of clients that includes 10 NFL players.
While serving an internship with a sports agent, Bradtke noticednegotiating contracts for players and recruiting new players for theagency were the overwhelming priorities of an agent.
'I felt there was a void there that could be filled,' saidBradtke. 'I work with their agents. I basically do everything exceptthe NFL contract.'
Based in Scottsdale, Ariz., Bradtke organizes endorsement deals,media interviews, travel arrangements, public appearances andcharity functions for his clients.
A 2006 Central Catholic graduate, Bradtke attended the Universityof Illinois along with high school classmates Michael Hoomanawanuiand Josh Brent.
'I've always had a passion for sports,' said Bradtke. 'I wantedto do something in sports. I thought of marketing and found my nichedoing that.'
His first three clients were Hoomanawanui, former Illini VontaeDavis and ex-Illinois State receiver Laurent Robinson.
'It's been a whirlwind ride. I've had to adapt on the fly,' the24-year-old Bradtke said. 'It's helped me grow up pretty fastdealing with some pretty big name companies.
'It's a unique industry to be in. It's word-of-mouth referral.It's based on you. It's your brand as well as them.'
Bradtke's clients include former Illini players Brent, BritMiller, Jeff Allen, Tavon Wilson and Arrelious Benn. He also hasSergio Brown and Vontae Davis' brother, San Francisco tight endVernon Davis.
'It's definitely fun and you have the flexibility of making yourown hours,' said Bradtke. 'I have a motivation to get the job doneand keep them satisfied.'